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本公司躋身優質材料供應商行列的初期,經歷無數嚴峻的考驗與挑戰,以嚴謹的態度、完全的信任、創新的思考、充分的授權,挹注龐大的人力、物力資源培養傑出的種子業務群。自創業開始,對礦源的挑選、材料的加工、市場的行銷 . . . 等等過程,均持之以嚴,毫不懈怠,且精益求精不斷求進步。
近二十年的經營,本公司以“了解市場走向,滿足客戶要求”為一貫追求目標,並不斷革新與時俱進,除了提供更多元化的建築材料、品質優良的石材產品、無懈可擊的服務品質 . . . . 等力求突破,以臻登峰造極,期使本公司更完善穩健,永續經營。
Tracing back to the beginning of our campany, it is besset with difficulties and hardship. We are led into a professional stone group by our business philosophy during the first period of undertaking. Nevertheless, with the spirit of “starving for the best” Cladon has been exploring the market and raising business all the time. It is glad to see that Cladon industry grows and improves stably with China economic development. Moreover, Cladon enterprise keeps pace with time and assimilates into economy of developed countries.
Our company faced tremendous challenges and tests in the beginning of ascending into fist-class materia lsuppliers. However, in the first decade, with serious attilude, confidential, innovative thought and full authorization, tremendous manpower and material resources are devoted into company development so as to help achieve excellent businesses. Since start undertaking, we are serious and strict on ore source choosing, material processing and marketing and we also strive on becoming better and making progress continuously.
With the aim of following market and satisfying guest, our company always keep on reform and keep paces on time in nearly fourteen-year business. And we try hard to supply diversity architecture materials, excellent stone products and good service qualities and always strive for breadthrough in order to make our company more perfect, stable and sustainable.
Taking a long view of international liberalized new economic situation in the 21st century, "professional"and "comprehensive" are the main parts of the international labor division. And brand-marketing is becoming another new promotion for enterprise development. "Quality irreplaceable, service everywhere" are the spirit of our company new milestone. Cladon attempts to innovating products and developing company in order to make Cladon keep stable in the Greater China Economic Circle and become famous all of the word.
The competition is becoming so fierce in the future market that enterprises shall face serious challenges. With the spirit of "striving for the best", our campany will set a first-class example and make customers, partners and employees most satisfied.
Our company is a modern enterprise that engaged in exploitation and import of granite & marble. Since the establishment, the company has devoted itself to supplying supreme stone material which ome from lndia, Turkey and other countries.